
How do you improve your sales with a CRM?

Written by GrowBox Digital | Aug 6, 2021 3:03:24 AM

Maybe yes or maybe no, you have read about CRM and it sounds interesting to you, or at least catches your attention, otherwise why else would you be here? CRM sounds nice, very organized but you still don't know exactly what it can do to increase your sales, you see it listed as a benefit but you need an answer with more depth or you are in a research about CRM and its benefits.

If this sounds like you, you're in the right place to clear up your doubts and decide whether to make the investment or not. Adopting a CRM is not a simple decision that can be made overnight, it requires planning and seeing if it fits with the overall strategy that is being carried out within the company.

If you want to know more information on how to know if you need a CRM you can click here to be taken to our article, there we explain what signs your company gives that you need a CRM and how CRM helps you to solve these problems.


  1. Customer Journey 
  2. Centralized information and availability
  3. Be more in contact with your prospects and clients

1. Customer Journey

You have heard of the term and know what it is, but in case you don't know or need a refresher, here is the definition. The Customer Journey is the path the customer travels from the moment they learn about your product or service until they become a customer, that's the conventional definition. We, using Hubspot's inbound methodology, believe in an additional step, which is when they become evangelists or voice-to-voice carriers. We'll see later on how this all relates.

So, traditionally, the customer journey is considered to have the following steps:

  • Knowledge about the product or discovery
  • Research or decisive phase
  • Purchase

However, we understand it as follows:

  • Attract
  • Convert
  • Buy
  • Delight

And this extra step is very important, because the customer journey does not end after making a sale, this is where the after-sales journey begins.

Did you know that it is cheaper to retain a customer than to acquire a new one? Of course, you don't have to spend so many resources, the customer already knows you and has tried your product. He has already decided you over the competition and therefore a repurchase should be a much simpler process.

But, don't stop there, it's not just about re-purchasing, it's about exploiting the potential that word-of-mouth has. If your customer is incredibly satisfied with your product, they will want everyone to know how great it is and how much it has helped them in their life. Hasn't it happened to you? You are talking to your acquaintances and you end up recommending a product because it has really helped you and is very good, then that acquaintance also buys it on your recommendation, who in turn recommends it to more people.

Are you wondering why I started with the end? Because that is the end that your customer journey should have. After everything that has happened, after going through all that buying process, your customers should be delighted with how the process went, even if they didn't become customers, delighted with the attention they received. They were served in a quick and timely manner, they felt listened to, they feel they are really important to your company and the product you are selling fascinates them.

All this is achieved by understanding how your customers buy, how they are discovering you so you can improve your efforts in that segment and attract more customers. Understand what makes them choose you and why they don't close the deal with you, so you can be prepared for each and every prospect that comes your way. Create a buying process in which they feel secure and a direct communication channel with the company to clarify their doubts when they need it. All of this leads to them continuing to choose you.

The CRM helps you organize all that information, collect where your customers come from, your biggest channels of attraction, how your customers are buying and see what leads them to make decisions. In addition, if they have problems with the product, you can also specify it in the CRM, so you can improve the problem and prevent it from happening again. Your customer-facing departments have the same information and can provide timely service. This implies that customer service has the information that was given to the customer in sales and the channel through which it arrived, they can add information to keep updated the customer journey of your customers.


2. Centralized information and availability

The problems that were present when we didn't have technology availability are still haunting us today. What is that problem, you ask? Clutter. Especially now that there are analog and digital, twice as many places to write down and lose important information or spread it all over the place.

I'll give you an example, in the middle of a meeting we write down in a notebook, the client's emails on the computer and you have an Excel file for the budget in a folder that you are still not sure where it is. Or, you are on the street running an errand, the client asks for information but you don't have it because it's on the computer and you have to tell him that he has to wait until you get to the office.

If this sounds common or like something that could happen to you, it means that you may be losing business because of the speed with which you are responding to the requests of your customers or prospects. No one likes to wait and now in the age of immediacy it is imperative that you are better than your competition, not only in product, but also in response times. You never know when that immediacy will win you business and the lack of it will take it away from you.

With your CRM all your information is centralized, you can attach documents to the business so you always have them available, have all the emails that have been sent to the customer, the notes of the meeting, you can even have the calls and the notes of that call. Especially for sales reps who are dealing with several businesses at the same time, having centralized information is essential to ensure their productivity.

Additionally, with your information available at all times to the entire team, even if you are on vacation and don't have access to your computer, everyone else on your team will have access to customer information to give you the best possible service. So you can continue to enjoy your free time without stress.

3. Be in more contact with your contacts and prospects

On a day-to-day basis it is difficult to keep track of everything that needs to be done and the follow-ups, especially without help: calling a new lead, following up with a customer, keeping track of the re-purchase of another, etc. the list is endless if we are looking for what needs to be done. This is why many times there may be situations in which we do not follow up on a prospect because we missed it or a customer has not repurchased because we did not follow up on time.

Your CRM helps you stay more in touch with your prospects, either with automations that are incredibly useful or with the tasks you have to perform with each prospect, getting you organized to always stay on top of everything.

Benefits such as:

  • No more meetings you forget about, now your CRM is set up with your email calendar.
  • No more messy emails with copy to the whole office, your whole team has access to the same information about the client.
  • No more lost meeting notes, now they are all stored in your CRM with cloud synchronization.
  • No more files that no one has any idea where they are, now all important files can be attached to your customer or business file.

In the re-purchase process is quite important, because as we mentioned above, it is more expensive to attract a new customer, then make an update, upgrade or additions to the product or service that the customer has is much easier with a CRM. Why does this happen? Because if they are services that have an annuity, it is the best time to discuss with the customer an increase in the package, if you let it go it is likely that someone else will take the customer away from you at the time of renewing the annuity or you will not be able to make that increase in the package. Your CRM reminds you of these kinds of things in a timely manner, so you don't drive yourself crazy remembering dates.

How did you like it? There are many reasons why CRM helps your sales improve, especially with a well implemented CRM. But we think these are the 3 most important reasons and have more in-depth explanations. What do you think? If you need more information you can leave your questions in the comments below or write to us directly.